Ramadan time table will change for some categories from Saturday 27 May till End of June.
The young categories : Moustique, Poussin, Pupille, Benjamin (Born 2004-20012) NO CHANGE, the classes will be at the same time.
The big categories : Minimes, Cadet, Junior, Senior (Born 2003 and before) : ALL CLASSES WILL MOVE TO 7:30-9:00PM
Some Benjamin born 2004-2005 may fasting, partially or totally, during Ramadan, and so they can join the classes at 7:30pm
We can accept fencers will be sometimes late, cause the prayer time will be around 7:30pm, but as a reminder there is a mosque very close to each training center, in Al Waab or in West Bay.
For the fencers who wish to book individual face-to-face lesson during this period, please contact us for organizing available time slots.