
You can rent the pack uniform :
It is the best option when your kids starts the fencing. At a low cost (about 200-300 qar / term), it will give you the time to see if your kid enjoys a lot and wants to be committed in the fencing sport.
The pack includes: fencing glove, fencing helmet, fencing jacket, epee bodycord, chest protector.
A refundable deposit of 800 Qar is required to secure the value of the pack. Deposit will be refunded immediately at the return of the uniform in good condition.
The fencing breeches is not include in the pack and can be bought separately. Namely that the fencing breeches are compulsory in any competition, whatever the level. It also provides extra leg protection during training classes.
You can buy the pack uniform, in part or in full :
The purchase of equipment is very interesting for several reasons:
It is part of the education process to take care about his safety equipment,
Birthday, Christmas or Eid, … are excellent opportunity to offer a useful and pleasant gift with fencing equipment
The fencing uniform is good quality equipment and will last several years. We choose the size so that the children can grow and keep their uniform,
The level of protection is bit more than in the rental pack (fencing breech, underplastron FIE 800 N,
To buy an epee, the fencer must hold at least the Yellow Blason, from the Award Certification Program